How to setup and configure Voice of Customer

After reading this blog, You will be able to do following:
  • Set up Voice of Customer in MS Dynamics 365.
  • Design and publish Surveys.


User must have MS Dynamics 365 subscription.


Only internet explorer supports survey's designer form.

Setup Voice of customer:

Click on “Navigate to other applications”

Go ToàAdminà Admin Centerà Click on Dynamics 365

Click on application tab:

Select Voice of customer and click on manage.

Wait for few minutes until you get "install" message.

What happens in CRM

There is new primary ribbon added in Dynamics 365 with name “Voice of Customer”.

Main entities in this module are:

There are following security role imported in CRM when you setup Voice of customer:

If you want to Create,Update,Delete and Design a survey then you must have "Survey Administrator" or "System Administrator" security role.


Survey is main entity of “Voice of Customer” We need to create a survey and need to send link to customers from whom we need feedback.

Create a survey

Creation of survey is same as you create other entity records.
Go ToàVoice of CustomeràSurveyàClick on new

Fill all required information and click on save:

Now select designer form as mentioned in below screen shot:

There are total three pages in survey designer:
·         Welcome: Set survey welcome screen
·         Page 1: Set survey questions here.
·         Complete: Set complete message of survey.
For welcome screen, Click on quick edit to update welcome screen:

Click on save highlighted in yellow in below screen shot once you edit welcome text.

Page 1 is for questions. You can drag and drop questions here

All Question types are in right navigation of survey designer:

You can choose any type of question like Single response, multiple response etc.
Once you drag question, a new form will get open and you can edit your question here.

Click on save or save and close and you will return to survey designer:
I added another question in new page. To add a new page select Question page and click on add:

Page 2 is a new question page, I added a long answer question in this page:

Complete page: This is the last page of Survey designer and we can write message here like “ Thank you for sharing your feedback” or leave it blank.

Publish a survey

Click yellow highlighted button to publish a survey.

After publish, anonymous link and email snippet are available on survey:

Survey invitation:

·         By email:
Now we have two links Anonymous and email snippet. If we need anonymous response then copy anonymous link in email else copy email snippet.
·         By other mode:
            In this case we need to create survey invitation.

Test Survey

You can test survey by clicking on anonymous link or Test button or Preview button. Below are screen shots of "Demo survey":

Screens of "Demo survey":


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